
  • Knowing Christ's Will

    · By Joel McCauley

    What is Christ's Will for My Life?

  • Knowing Christ

    · By Joel McCauley

    When Adam and Eve made their decision to disobey God and eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they broke their covenant (spiritual agreement) with Him. This decision and action resulted in all mankind being sinful and out of agreement with God. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 Because of God's grace and unconditional love, He has sought to restore that covenant relationship with man since that time. He has also given us the freedom to choose whether we continue not to live in unity (sin) or in covenant...

  • Don't Be a Diva

    · By David Amster

    Is there a musical diva in your music ministry? Not sure? Allow me to enlighten you. A musical diva (man or woman) is someone who likes special treatment. They prefer their microphone to be the loudest and want the best songs saved for their solos because they are the best singer around (at least in their own mind). They usually breeze in late, yet expect the sound to be just right. And, they mostly leave without thanking the sound technician for working with them. Basically, everyone has to cater to them. Now, if you’re like me, you’re thinking of someone...

  • Unappreciated

    · By David Amster

    Do you struggle with feeling unappreciated for your service in the music ministry?